The Best of Krabi Tours: Must See Attractions

The Best of Krabi Tours: Must See Attractions

An enchanting country that Thailand is, much can be expected in terms of breathtaking natural beauty from many of its various tourist spots, from the most popular to the lesser known but equally amazing destination. Among these spots is the Krabi province in the southern part of this beautiful Kingdom. This particular destination is an all-in-one traveler’s paradise, offering serene
inland attractions, relaxing beach experience, in addition to its traditional stunning sceneries. Historic buildings, marinas and yacht havens, monuments and museums, parks and natural attractions, religious sites, as well as theaters and concert halls, will make your Krabi tours experience one of the best Thai travel that you will ever have.

As a backgrounder, you might wish to consider some of the following choice spots in this majestic Thai province:

Lanta Old Town
This particular area in Krabi, located on the east coast of Lanta Island, has one irresistible charm, a way of life that has remained unchanged for the past 100 years, giving visitors an opportunity to have a glimpse of how its residents have lived their lives here in the past. Majority of homes and shops alike are still built on stilts. Today, an increasing number of Westerners have now settled with Thai-Buddhist, Thai-Chinese, Thai-Muslim, and Chao-Lai (Sea Gypsy) residents that inhabit the 100 year old teak-wood-lined streets.

Mu Koh Lanta National Park
Covering an area of 134 square kilometers, this national park is comprised mainly of mountains and deep slopes, with the plain areas to be found only in a beach at its southern area. Most areas of this national park is composed of 35% slope, with the exception of the middle part which is composed of 50% slope. The height of this geographical feature starts from 100 meters, with the highest peak at 488 meters above sea level.

The Lighthouse
Located along the end of the west coast of Mu Koh Lanta National Park, The Lighthouse provides a panoramic view of the southernmost part of the island, being seated in an area that can be accessed only by climbing a three kilometer mountainous dirt passage. It is also an excellent vantage point for watching sunsets, wherein you can also have a fabulous view of the beach.

The Krabi Contemporary Art Museum
The Krabi Contemporary Art Museum is one among the museums in Southeast Asia housing the most diverse and distinct art pieces. More specifically, this museum is a testament to the transformation of traditional Thai painting with its gradual assimilation of Western influence. It is one of the many museums in Thailand that serves as a venue for Thai artist exhibiting their masterpieces that has over time has become a medium for tackling social, political, cultural, and even environmental issues.